Interdisciplinary Conference “Modern nephro-urological aspects”, 4th edition
April 19th, 2019, Paris Hall, Novotel Hotel, Bucharest
The scientific coordinators of the event are:
Prof. Dr. Petrisor GEAVLETE – Emergency Clinical Hospital“Sf. Ioan”, Bucharest
Prof. Dr. Mircea PENESCU – Nephrology Clinical Hospital “Carol Davila”, Bucharest
Prof. Dr. Viorel JINGA – Clinical Hospital “Theodor Burghele”, Bucharest
Invitat special:
Prof. Dr. Bob DJAVAN – Rudolfinerhaus Foundation Hospital, Viena, Austria
Prof. Dr. Petrisor GEAVLETE – Emergency Clinical Hospital “St. Ioan ”, Bucharest
Prof. Dr. Mircea PENESCU – Clinical Hospital of Nephrology “Dr. Carol Davila ”, Bucharest
Prof. Dr. Viorel JINGA – “Theodor Burghele” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest
Prof. Dr. Liliana TUTA – Emergency County Clinical Hospital, Constanta
Prof. Dr. Dan MISCHIANU – Central Military Emergency Hospital, Bucharest
Prof. Dr. Adalbert SCHILLER – Emergency County Clinical Hospital, Timisoara
Prof. Dr. Eugen MOTA – County Emergency Clinical Hospital, Craiova
Conf. Dr. Bogdan GEAVLETE – Emergency Clinical Hospital “St. Ioan ”, Bucharest
Conf. Dr. Dorin IONESCU – Bucharest University Emergency Hospital
Conf. Dr. Liliana GARNEATA – Clinical Hospital of Nephrology “Dr. Carol Davila ”, Bucharest